The information below will provide you with the details of the F/B Minimum:
Usage and Options:
Food, beverage, and alcohol purchases will be applied to the F/B Minimum for the following purchases for all transactions that are charged to a member account (currently credit card and cash transactions will not be applied to a minimum):
- Restaurant ala carte dining (regular breakfast, lunch, and dinner service)
- Snack Bar
- Pool Snack Bar
- Beverage Car
- On-site Member social events (food and drink portion only of the event price)
- Members hosting a personal event on site
- To-Go orders
The following will not apply to the Food and Beverage Minimum:
- Offsite catered events
- Meal portion of golf tournament entry fees
- Club events held off site
Members who travel extensively or leave in the winter may request to be put on a six month minimum. There will be no increase in the minimum for members approved for a six month minimum. The decision to allow this will be at the discretion of the GM/COO or Board’s based on the reasons provided with the request. The two six month periods will be Feb.–July and Aug. –Jan. If unusual circumstances arise accommodations can be made at the discretions of the Board.
Member’s monthly statements will indicate the amount applied towards the minimum and can be viewed online at any time to determine how much has been applied towards the minimum.
Listed below are the F/B minimum periods for those members on a quarterly basis:
A-G Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sept, and Oct-Dec
H-M Feb-Apr, May-Jul, Aug-Oct and Nov-Jan
N-Z Mar-May, Jun-Aug, Sept-Nov, and Dec-Feb
With this being the first year of the F/B Minimum those members with last names beginning with H-M initial minimum period will not start until February, those members will the last name beginning with the letters N-Z initial minimum period will not start until March.
Listed below are the F/B minimum amounts and frequency by Membership Classification.
Membership Classification Amount and Frequency:
Equity Golf $150 per Quarter
Non-Equity and L.N.E. $150 per Quarter
Intermediate $150 per Quarter
Single Golf, N.E, L.N.E, Int. $75 per Quarter
Sports $90 per Quarter
Social $150 per Quarter
Equity Non-Resident Golf $300 annually (Jan.-Dec.)
We are looking forward to seeing you at the restaurant while enjoying the camaraderie with fellow members and a great dining experience.